
Team Project
Inclusiveness in Organizations

Promoting inclusiveness in organizations fosters diversity, equity and collaboration, creating a more welcoming and innovative workplace culture

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A Woman With A Laptop Computer And A Dog
Personality Assessment and Positive Psychology

Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the study and promotion of human well-being, happiness and optimal functioning

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Two Students Looking At Blank Computer Screens
Guiding Students Through Their Career Choices

Guiding students through their career choices involves understanding their interests, strengths and aspirations. Psychological tests are valuable tools in this process, offering insights into their personalities, preference and skills.

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Two Ice Hockey Players And A Referee
Decision Making in Sports and Worklife

Sports and work life, decision-making, fast thinking and instincts play critical roles, but they manifest in different ways

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A Woman Holding A Red Folder
Burnout and Personality Misalignment in The Workplace

Burnout, a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress, has become a pervasive issue in today's fast-paced work environments

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A Man With A Laptop Computer
The Tale of Two Personality Profiles

"He never thought that a psychological test could ever reveal something unusual about him, but one day, it did just that"

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Screenshot Of Mindfindr Occupations List

The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) is a vital tool that provides a systematic framework for categorizing and understanding occupations worldwide

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Business Report On A Tablet
Interpretation of Psychological Tests

We'll explore the basic principles of test interpretation and what you can learn from the process

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A Business Lady With A Man In The Background
Psychological Assessments in Recruitment

Job seeker's and employer's perspectives on utilization and use of suitability assessment. The article offers thoughts from both perspectives - that is, it can be read both by an employer and by an applicant

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Business People With Hardhats Having A Meeting
Relationship of Personality and Skills

Personality tests and skill evaluations are two different types of assessments that are used for different purposes. It is important to acknowledge that both personality and skills are crucial for success in work.

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A Smiling Woman With A Tablet
Mindfindr and Personal Mastery

Personal Mastery, as described by Peter Senge in his book "The Fifth Discipline" is the process of continually developing oneself and one's abilities

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A Surgeon In The Middle Of A Operation
Can You Take It? Are You Resilient?

Being resilient means that a person is able to function under stressful conditions without losing the ability to produce quality results in that area of activity

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Team Project
Learning Styles and Personality

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that individuals may have a preferred learning style, and that understanding this preference can help them learn more effectively.

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Team Project
Aligning Team and Board Compositions with Your Strategies

"When people get together with an idea of producing something of value together they tend to organize themselves spontaneously"

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How About Taking Smith and Taylor Seriously Again?

In 1911 Frederick Taylor proposed in his book The Principles of Scientific Management that we should approach operations management related problems scientifically.

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Leadership Attitudes in Different Stages of Team Development

Teams and groups are evolving and developing organizations whose leadership may require that leaders take on differing leadership competencies over the development of their teams.

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Moving Beyond -isms - A Fresh Look at Leadership

Traditional organizational hierarchies placing managers, leaders and employees at different levels of organizational authority and importance are becoming obsolete in these so called post-industrial and information eras that are once again rapidly transforming into something else

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Strange Occupations in Mindfindr

The reader may no doubt have noticed some rather peculiar job titles in the Mindfindr occupation lists. So let us look into the job of the astrologist and some of the competencies crucial in that line of work.

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The Tail Wags The Top Dog - Leadership Styles for Different Teams and Missions

It is widely acknowledged that leaders should optimally have competencies to act as all-round leaders, if need be. But, to take an example, it may still go against the grain for a strongly pragmatic and straightforward leader to assume a coachlike leadership style.

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Two Women Talking Business
Development Discussions and Psycholocial Assessments

Personality assessments that are administered online or through self-report measures may be more cost-effective than assessments that require a trained evaluator to administer them or interpret the results

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Business Report On A Tablet
Cost Effectiveness of Personel Assessment

The cost effectiveness of personality assessment can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the type of assessment being used, the number of individuals being assessed, and the setting in which the assessment is being conducted

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Mindfindr For Company Personnel Assessment

The purpose of suitability assessment is to provide additional information on the person considered for a particular job

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Assessment of Sales Persons with Mindfindr

Almost without exception businesses selling products or providing services need efficient salespeople. In many sectors competition makes the role of salespersons extremely important with regard to the success of businesses.

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Career Planning with Mindfindr

The Mindfindr assessment service provides additional information to support professional and career planning.

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A Student in The Library
Mindfindr and Career Planning

Career planning is not just about making decisions about what to do after the high school

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Two Ladies Looking At A Tablet In A Cafe
Seasonal Workers with Mindfindr

This will be the time of year when companies start looking for seasonal workforce. Even though there might prevail a shortage of personnel in some sectors, the situation is completely different when it comes to seasonal workforce.

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Supporting Headhunting Using Mindfindr

Organizations may often face situations where they need to recruit persons who are not actively looking for new work opportunities. Headhunting processes provide organizations with means to hire persons to fill key positions that are not marketed for in the open labor market.

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Electriancian Making A Measurement
Testing Blue Collar Workers

The trend is shifting as more companies in various industries recognize the potential benefits of psychological testing in their hiring and management processes for blue collar roles

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A Girl in The Park with Laptop
Unfavorable Hiring Decisions Are Costly

Unfavorable hiring decisions are not merely a short-term setback; they can have long-lasting and far-reaching consequences for an organization

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Two Ladies Looking At A Tablet In A Cafe
Worklife and Self Improvement

Mindfindr Personal service expands an individual’s understanding of one’s potential and strengths, opens up new vistas into future opportunities and provides practical support for career planning.

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Are You A High-functioning Psychopath?

When ever the word psychopath is out people tend to conjure up images of serial killers and twisted stockbrokers. In actual fact, nowadays it is widely recognized that in some professions it may be useful to have some of the traits found in psychopaths in order to succeed in those positions.

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