Seasonal Workers with Mindfindr

This will be the time of year when companies start looking for seasonal workforce. Even though there might prevail a shortage of personnel in some sectors, the situation is completely different when it comes to seasonal workforce.

Seasonal worker

This will be the time of year when companies start looking for seasonal workforce. Even though there might prevail a shortage of personnel in some sectors, the situation is completely different when it comes to seasonal workforce - there is supply in excess of the demand of workers and many organizations are flooded with applications. This state of things does not necessarily mean an organization will find the right kinds of persons in the heaps of applications - at least not without considerable effort.

Organizations recruiting seasonal workforce will have to go through similar stages in the process as in other recruiting processes. Actually these processes may bring along some extra challenges and even risks organizations have to handle.

In many cases especially young persons with just minimal or no work experience at all let alone references or other information pose problems to organizations trying to assess the abilities of applicants.

Young applicants may also overestimate their competencies, partly due to lacking work experience, while these tendencies may be more serious problems in other assessment processes.

Mindfindr offers organizations an innovative cost-effective solution to screen and rank applicants when covering their seasonal workforce demand. The service may also be utilized as part of an assessment centre or other methods, yielding information on applicants’ personality and aptitudes hence allowing the organization to estimate relative suitability of applicants for particular jobs.

Any personal strengths applicants may have are linked to and will affect their work performance, as well as being related to commitment and general wellbeing at work. On the other hand a mismatch between the requirements of a position and the personality of a person is likely to increase the experienced burden of work as well, something that will decrease the willingness to commit oneself to work even though one might be able to achieve some results in the position.

The Mindfind service solution may be integrated into an organization’s recruitment processes with little extra effort. The cutting edge functions of the service allow organizations to utilize streamlined efficient data gathering solutions.

Recruiting seasonal workforce is a process that creates and maintains the company image of any organization. Recent discussions around the themes of organizational values and social responsibility have lifted up the importance of proper handling of communication between applicants and recruiting organizations. Mindfindr offers organizations a cost-effective means of maintaining favourable company image by producing assessment reports for applicants. While all applicants may not be lucky enough to be recruited the Mindfindr report they receive will increase their understanding of their working life resources and give insight into their competencies and personal strengths.

The service may also be used to create pools of applicant information that may be utilized to rank all applicants in the pool according to any chosen specified position or occupation depending on the relevant recruiting needs. Presently the service covers competence requirement specifications for ca 350 different occupations and positions. Of these ca 25 percent are jobs usually requiring little formal training or at most hands-on training often provided by the recruiting company. Suitability estimates of all assessed persons for these 350 positions are available for the organization using the applicant pool service of Mindfindr.

Businesses with extensive personnel functions usually have diversified competence needs. Mindfindr offers specified reports on assessed applicants’ suitability for positions in various sectors such as customer service, logistics services, marketing of seasonal products, civil engineering and construction handymen etc.

Mindfindr thus cares for an organization’s brand and contributes to social responsibility of the organization where creating and developing future workforce is concerned!