The Mindfindr Solution
Mindfindr is a web based psychological assessment service for personnel selection, career planning and organisational development. Mindfindr produces information on subject’s personality, competences, leadership qualities and applicability estimates for occupations at different educational levels.
These inherent qualities shape persons manner of engaging with tasks, collaborating with others, and assuming leadership roles within the workplace. The personality type influences how people interact with colleagues and approach challenges.
Web-based psychological test inventories (as Mindfindr queryset) have revolutionized the field of psychological assessment by offering convenient, efficient, and accessible means of conducting assessments. These inventories, hosted on online platforms like Mindfindr, allow individuals to complete assessments remotely, eliminating the need for in-person administration.
Here’s how web-based test inventories are transforming psychological assessments:
Accessibility and Convenience: With web-based inventories, individuals can complete assessments at any location with internet access and at their own convenience. This accessibility eliminates barriers such as geographical constraints and scheduling conflicts, making psychological assessments more readily available to a broader population.
Efficiency and Time-Saving: Web-based inventories streamline the assessment process by automating tasks such as scoring and result generation. This automation saves time for both assessors and participants, enabling quicker assessment administration and result delivery compared to traditional paper-and-pencil methods.
Scalability and Customization: Online platforms offer scalability, allowing assessors to administer assessments to large groups of participants simultaneously. Additionally, web-based inventories can be customized to suit specific assessment needs, with options to tailor assessments based on demographic information or practical requirements.
Data Security and Confidentiality: Leading web-based platforms prioritize data security and confidentiality, implementing robust encryption protocols and compliance with privacy regulations. This ensures that participants’ sensitive information remains protected throughout the assessment process.
Integration with Analytics and Reporting Tools: Web-based inventories often integrate with analytics and reporting tools, enabling assessors to analyze assessment data efficiently and generate comprehensive reports. These tools facilitate data-driven decision-making and enhance the interpretability of assessment results.
Assessment Content
The content of the Mindfindr assessment service is showcased on the Mindfindr website across multiple web pages. Each solution topic is detailed within its dedicated section for easy navigation and comprehension.
Personality description: A personality description provides a concise overview of an individual’s characteristic traits, behaviors, and tendencies. It captures key aspects of their temperament, social interactions, and emotional patterns, offering insights into how they typically engage with the world around them.
Personality type: Mindfindr assessments based on the 16-personality types model provide insights into individuals’ unique personality profiles, including their preferences, strengths, and tendencies in various aspects of life, especially in work. These assessments categorize individuals into 16 distinct personality types, such as “The Pragmatic Organizer” or “The Dependable Fulfiller”.
Personality dimensions: Mindfindr assessments based on personality dimensions assess individuals across key dimensions or traits, such as the basis of decision making (thinking – feeling), social predisposition (extraverted – introverted), preferred way of acting (organized – flexible) and information processing (concrete - abstract). These assessments provide a nuanced understanding of individuals’ personalities, highlighting their unique blend of traits and how these dimensions influence their behavior, preferences, and working styles.
Competencies: Ten competencies. Mindfindr focuses on personality competencies evaluates individuals based on specific competencies or qualities essential for success in various roles and environments. These assessments assess competencies such as manual, social, emotional, linguistic and intuitive aspects.
Working style: Ten working styles. Mindfindr provides insight into individuals’ working styles, encompassing how they approach tasks, collaborate with others, and handle challenges. These assessments reveal whether someone is detail-oriented, collaborative, methodical, or innovative in their approach to work.
Teamwork style: Eight teamwork styles. Personality tests shed light on team working styles, revealing how individuals collaborate, communicate, and contribute within a team dynamic. These assessments unveil whether team members are cooperative, competitive, supportive, or autonomous in their approach to teamwork. Understanding team working styles enables leaders to build cohesive teams, leverage diverse strengths, and foster synergy to achieve shared goals effectively.
Leadership: The Mindfindr leadership analyses cover three different aspects (Leadership Inclination, Leadership type and Leadership style).
The leadership index describes to what extent a person might succeed in or find meaningful functioning in leadership positions defined comprehensively, covering such regular activities as planning, organizing, and supervising the implementation of decisions made, as well as leading people, this usually requiring some assertiveness and a liking for being socially present.
Mindfindr reports include leadership type and leadership style descriptions. The four leadership types are process leadership, results-oriented leadership, developmental leadership and change leadership. Leadership styles categorize individuals into distinct leadership in eight styles, such as the inspiring coach, analytic pioneer, resolute implementer and visionary facilitator.
Occupations: Over 350 occupations and professions in the ISCO (International Standard Classification of Occupations) are categorized based on participants’ suitability across seven levels of training.
Generally the Mindfindr results report describes concisely the personality and strengths of the participant emphasizing work behavior.
The Mindfindr testing service offers two types of reports: a web-based user interface and a PDF report. The web interface is intended for test managers, while the PDF report is optional and designed for participants.
The service provides a succinct overview of the participant’s personality traits and strengths, with a focus on work behavior. It highlights key characteristics relevant to their performance in professional settings, offering insights into their communication style, problem-solving approach, teamwork orientation, leadership qualities, and other relevant behaviors. The report aims to provide a concise yet comprehensive understanding of the participant’s work-related attributes to inform decision-making processes such as hiring, promotion or team assignment.

The Mindfindr service aims to offer actionable insights into how the participant’s personality aligns with the requirements of their role and how their strengths can be leveraged to enhance their effectiveness in the workplace. By emphasizing work behavior, the report provides a practical framework for maximizing the participant’s contributions to their team and organization while also identifying areas for potential development or improvement. The Mindfindr solution serves as a valuable tool for understanding and optimizing the participant’s professional performance and growth trajectory.
The Mindfindr assessment offers a framework tailored to assess aspects relevant to the working life domain. Working life encompasses various psychological concepts and definitions beyond the scope of this assessment. Therefore, it’s essential to adhere to the framework outlined by the Mindfindr when conducting evaluations. Introducing new concepts or definitions into the assessment is discouraged, or they should be treated separately from the Mindfindr assessment. However, evaluators retain the flexibility to incorporate additional evaluation dimensions at their discretion, especially in situations where alternative assessment methods are more commonly employed.
For instance, crucial aspects of working life like burnout or work motivation are not addressed as concepts or interpretations within the Mindfindr framework. Consequently, these dimensions should not be considered as outputs of the Mindfindr, and it does not provide explicit answers regarding them. Mindfindr is available for organizations (B2B as and private persons (B2C as Current language versions are English and Finnish.
Assessment Process
The testing process is straightforward and efficient, characterized by a clear interaction between the test organizer and the test taker, unfolding across various stages.
In an online testing process, there are two primary actors involved: the test participant and the test administrator/manager.
The test administrator, also known as the manager or facilitator, oversees the online testing process. This role involves setting up the assessment environment, providing instructions to test takers, monitoring the assessment session to ensure integrity and compliance with testing guidelines, and addressing any technical issues that may arise. The test administrator may also be responsible for verifying the identity of test takers and managing the overall administration of the online assessment platform. The objective is to facilitate a smooth and fair testing experience for all participants while maintaining the security and validity of the assessment results.
The participant is the individual who participates in the online assessment. They interact with the assessment platform by answering questions presented to them. The test participan’s responses contribute to the data collected during the assessment process.

The test manager has the choice to distribute test results to participants. This step is essential if users wish to understand the data stored about them in the system, addressing concerns such as GDPR compliance.
Organizing and Managing Participants and Tests
In the realm of psychological testing, effective organization and administration are paramount to ensure smooth operations and accurate results. In addition to evaluating psychological test questions and analyzing their results, Mindfindr provides a range of additional services and procedures:
- Test management
- Participant management
- Organizing test process and supporting automated testing implementation
- Test result management (storing, ranking, searching etc.)
Efficient organization and administration of psychological tests are essential for obtaining reliable and valid results. By effectively managing participants and tests, organizing the testing process, and supporting automated testing implementation, organizations can optimize their testing procedures and enhance the overall quality of psychological assessments.
The test administrator establishes test containers (test pools) to which participants can be assigned. Depending on the scope of usage, there may be multiple test containers, though often a single test container is enough.

In terms of implementing and utilizing the Mindfindr service, the following operational model proves effective:
- Internal Evaluation: The organization assesses its current employees.
- External Evaluation: The organization evaluates potential recruits.
Through this model, a comprehensive evaluation framework is established. The organization gains insight into the psychological characteristics of its current employees within the Mindfindr assessment framework. When recruiting new talent, this understanding allows the organization to align new applicants with the existing personnel structure effectively.
Who Can Manage Mindfindr Assessments?
Individuals who possess a good understanding of the accompanying training material and the service’s operation can conduct personal evaluations. Expertise in various fields such as education, psychology, sociology, statistics, economics, and engineering proves beneficial depending on the assessment context.
The Mindfindr service offers comprehensive interpretation guidelines, establishing a versatile and practical evaluation framework. Clear definitions of concepts, descriptive language, and precise measurement scales facilitate the assessment process.
The method and associated interpretations have been collaboratively developed with input from professionals in both the working world and technical fields. Mindfindr personality assessment interpretations have been meticulously crafted by a seasoned psychologist.
Additionally, the Mindfindr website features articles that further enhance comprehension, covering a wide range of topics related to the assessment.
The interpretation of Mindfindr suitability assessments occurs within a comprehensive framework, necessitating the contextualization of results in various environmental scenarios. Factors such as organization size, nature of core functions, the type of stakeholders, and personnel structure play significant roles in this process. Additionally, the application of assessments in various contexts, such as career planning, coaching, and recruitment, influences the perspective from which results are analyzed and the aspects to be emphasized.

The coaching material is structured into three key sections. The first section focuses on utilizing the Mindfindr service as an ICT system, providing guidance on navigating and optimizing its functionalities. In the second section, emphasis is placed on comprehending the coaching principles specific to the Mindfindr, offering insights into effective coaching techniques tailored to its framework. Finally, the third section delves into understanding the context and expertise domain relevant to the practical work, equipping coaches with the necessary knowledge to facilitate meaningful interactions and support within this specialized domain.
Certified Mindfindr Consultant
Mindfindr also offers the Certified Mindfindr Consultant program, designed to equip individuals with advanced skills and certifications for the optimal utilization of the service, the method and interpretations. Utilizing this training material and attending the Mindfindr seminar (possibly through a webinar or preferably a face-to-face event), participants are equipped with accompanying materials and introduced to the service by a qualified psychologist. Some issues related to training (read more: chapter “Advanced issues”):
- Ethical issues
- Web based psychological assessment issues
- Understanding Mindfindr assessment principles
- Personality, skills and experience
- Participant answering style
- Test faking and manipulation
- Personality assessment costs, risks and benefits
- Integrations (ecosystems, HR-systems), non technical introduction.
- Deep analysis of participant profiles
- Mindfindr service properties under the hood
The final certificate is awarded upon the completion of a specified number of evaluations on the Mindfindr test account (minimum N=10).
Upon completion of the Mindfindr certification program, individuals are awarded a specialized certification as the Certified Mindfindr Consultant. Holders of this certification gain exclusive access to a range of certification materials, continually updated and expanded to enhance their expertise. In addition, they have access to the AI-based “Mindfindr Assistant” service.