Personality Dimensions

Mindfindr offers the respondent a personality description based on a combination of scientifically valid universal personality dimensions. The results report may include two descriptions when the scores on some of the dimensions are balanced.

When interpreting the results it is noteworthy that the combinations of the dimensions are more important with respect to understanding a person’s behavior than any one personality dimension considered individually.

The dimensions may be concisely described as follows:

  • The dimension of information processing describes the preferences of a person in perceiving, collecting, analyzing and using information. Persons to the left of center tend to be more practical, paying attention to concrete details. Those to the right are more open to experiences, operating on abstract concepts and future possibilities. While people on the left rely more on their five senses and are usually more traditional in their observations, those on the right tend to be creative, looking for new innovative perspectives to problems.

  • The dimension of activity and sociability describes a person’s typical ways of social interaction as well as the levels of activity and sensation seeking. Those on the left may be described as extroverted, outgoing, socially courageous persons who have strong social presence and tend to have influence on others. Scores on the right side imply that these persons are rather more introverted, even detached, and they are often able to concentrate on their business for long periods. Where extroverts are sometimes impatient and fast decision-makers, introverts may need more time to make decisions and to acquaint themselves with others.

  • The bases of decision-making affect differently the way people react to things, come to conclusions and make decisions, especially in new situations. Those on the left tend to be business-like, logical and objective when making decisions. On the other hand, people who score to the right of the center are more emotional and weigh their own and others’ values and feelings when making decisions. Persons on the left may sometimes come on as distant and cool, while those on the right are usually friendly and warm in social interaction.

  • The way of acting refers to the level of organization versus adaptability in respondents’ typical behavior. The persons who score on the left side of the dimension are usually rather more organized, conscientious and planful compared with those on the right, who tend to be more adaptable and flexible, preferring to keep their options open in new situations. Persons on the left feel more at home in predictable environments and when occupied with routine tasks, very often appreciating secure circumstances highly. Those on the right may more easily become bored with routines and may sometimes have to struggle to complete tasks and keep to time limits.

These four dimensions combined describe a person’s typical behavioral modes. Scores in the middle of a continuum mean that the mode of conduct changes somewhat with the type of environments and situations. For these persons Mindfindr produces two different personality descriptions.

Combining these basic personality dimensions yields psychological types that describe behavior more comprehensively. In psychology, as in other sciences, it is important to categorize findings so as to produce more abstract and generalizable knowledge to further understanding of the studied phenomena. However, we must at all times remember that the persons having taken any psychological test will be much more as individuals than what the test results bring up. Mindfindr offers respondents wider perspectives on their behavior by providing work style, teamwork style and leadership descriptions.

A personality description produced by Mindfindr focuses on such personality traits of the assessed that are considered relevant to work performance.

A personality type encompasses an individual’s unique blend of four dimensions: thinking and feeling, extraversion and introversion, organization and flexibility and concreteness and abstraction. These dimensions shape an induviduals’ distinctive psychological makeups, influencing their characteristics- and behavioral patterns.

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Image #1: Mindfindr personality dimensions

Understanding a participant’s personality type can provide insights into how they perceive the world, interact with others, and approach various aspects of their personal and professional life.

Basis of decision making (Thinking - Feeling)

Basis of decision making describes on what basis people tend to make spontaneous decisions, especially in new situations. People on the left rely on logic and take into account objective facts, while those on the right weigh values and feelings of their own and those of others.

Case #1: Developing a new sales process.

Emily and David are both sales managers at a retail company tasked with developing a new sales process to improve customer engagement and increase sales revenue. Emily tends to rely on logic and objective facts in decision-making, while David prioritizes personal values and emotions.

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Image #2: Emily and David personality dimensions (Thinking – Feeling)

Emily, approaching the task from a left-leaning perspective, begins by conducting thorough market research to identify trends, customer preferences, and competitor strategies. She analyzes data related to sales metrics, customer feedback, and industry benchmarks to inform her decision-making process. Emily focuses on creating a structured sales process based on logical steps, measurable objectives, and performance indicators.

In contrast, David, who leans towards the right in decision-making, places a greater emphasis on the human aspect of the sales process. He values building strong relationships with customers and believes in tailoring the sales approach to meet individual needs and preferences. David engages with sales team members to understand their experiences and gather insights into customer interactions. He prioritizes empathy, trust, and rapport-building in the development of the sales process, considering how each step aligns with the company’s values and fosters positive customer experiences.

In this case, Emily’s left-leaning approach to decision-making emphasizes data-driven analysis and logical reasoning to develop a structured sales process. Meanwhile, David’s right-leaning approach incorporates personal values, emotions, and interpersonal dynamics to create a sales process focused on building relationships and meeting customer needs. Both approaches offer unique perspectives and considerations that contribute to the development of an effective sales strategy.

Social predisposition (Extraverted - Introverted)

Social predisposition shows to what extent a person is either outgoing, active and assertive or rather more private preferring to concentrate on few activities at a time.

Case #2: Organizing a network event.

Sarah and Michael are both marketing managers at a large advertising agency. They have been assigned to lead a team tasked with organizing a high-profile networking event for clients and industry partners. Sarah is an extrovert, while Michael is an introvert, and their differing social predispositions influence their approaches to the task.

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Image #3: Sarah and Michael personality dimensions (Extrovert – Introvert)

Sarah, the extrovert, thrives in social settings and enjoys networking and engaging with others. She approaches the event planning with enthusiasm, immediately reaching out to potential attendees, networking contacts, and sponsors. Sarah suggests hosting a large-scale event with interactive activities, lively entertainment, and opportunities for spontaneous connections. She prefers to involve a broad range of stakeholders and encourages brainstorming sessions with the team to generate creative ideas.

On the other hand, Michael, the introvert, prefers a more private and focused approach to social interactions. He carefully considers the event’s objectives and suggests a smaller, more intimate gathering focused on building meaningful connections with key clients and partners. Michael emphasizes the importance of quality over quantity, proposing structured networking sessions and targeted discussions to facilitate deeper engagement. He prefers to concentrate on a few activities at a time, ensuring thorough planning and attention to detail.

In this example, Sarah’s extraverted nature leads her to embrace the social aspect of event planning, focusing on creating a dynamic and expansive networking experience. In contrast, Michael’s introverted disposition influences him to prioritize a more focused and intimate approach, emphasizing meaningful connections and thoughtful interaction. Both Sarah and Michael bring valuable perspectives to the team, demonstrating how social predispositions can influence individuals’ preferences and strategies in collaborative settings.

Preferred way of action (Organized - Flexible)

Preferred way of action shows the level of order and structure in a person’s conduct. People who land on the left will be planful and conscientious while those on the right may keep their options open, adapting flexibility in new situations.

Case #3: Launching a new product line.

Rachel and Alex are both project managers at a design firm, and they have been assigned to lead a team in launching a new product line. Rachel leans towards the left on the organized and flexible spectrum, while Alex tends towards the right.

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Image #4: Rachel and Alex personality dimensions (Organized – Flexible)

Rachel, the organized planner, approaches the project with a detailed timeline, clear milestones, and a structured plan. She schedules regular team meetings, assigns specific tasks to each team member, and sets deadlines to ensure progress is on track. Rachel’s meticulous approach ensures that everyone knows their role and responsibilities, and she prefers to stick to the established plan to maintain order and efficiency.

On the other hand, Alex, the flexible adapter, takes a more fluid approach to project management. He keeps his options open and adapts quickly to new information or unexpected challenges. Rather than following a rigid plan, Alex encourages team members to brainstorm and explore different ideas collaboratively. He remains open to making changes on the fly and is willing to pivot strategies as needed to respond to evolving circumstances.

As the project progresses, Rachel’s structured approach helps keep the team organized and focused, ensuring that tasks are completed according to schedule. However, when unexpected issues arise, she may struggle to deviate from the original plan. In contrast, Alex’s flexible mindset allows him to adapt quickly to changes, enabling the team to pivot strategies and find creative solutions to problems as they arise.

In this example, Rachel’s preference for organization and structure provides stability and clarity, while Alex’s flexibility allows for innovation and adaptability in the face of uncertainty. Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, demonstrating how individuals’ preferred ways of action can impact their effectiveness in different situations.

Information processing preference (Concrete – Abstract)

Information processing preference describes a person’s typical ways of gathering information and relating to his or her environment. People to the left of center pay attention to matters practical using their five senses. People on the right also consider more abstract concepts and future opportunities.

Case #4: Developing a new advertising campaign

At a marketing agency, two creative directors, Emily and Jake, are tasked with developing a new advertising campaign for a client in the fashion industry. Emily leans towards the concrete end of the spectrum, while Jake leans towards the abstract.

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Image #5: Emily and Jake personality dimensions (Concrete - Abstract)

Emily, with a preference for concrete information processing, focuses on tangible aspects of the campaign. She pays close attention to practical details such as color schemes, imagery, and product features. Emily conducts thorough market research to understand current consumer trends and preferences, relying on data-driven insights to inform her creative decisions. She emphasizes the importance of creating visually appealing and relatable content that resonates with the target audience on a sensory level.

On the other hand, Jake, with a preference for abstract thinking, approaches the campaign from a more visionary perspective. He considers broader concepts such as brand identity, storytelling, and emotional resonance. Jake is interested in exploring innovative ideas and pushing creative boundaries to evoke deeper connections with consumers. He envisions the campaign as an opportunity to communicate the client’s values and aspirations, transcending traditional advertising approaches to create a memorable and impactful brand experience.

While Emily’s concrete approach ensures a solid foundation grounded in practical considerations, Jake’s abstract perspective adds a layer of creativity and forward-thinking vision to the campaign. Together, their complementary styles result in a well-rounded advertising strategy that balances tangible elements with conceptual depth, effectively engaging consumers and achieving the client’s objectives. This case exemplifies how individuals with different information processing preferences can collaborate to create innovative solutions that appeal to diverse audiences and drive success in the competitive marketplace.