Mindfindr Integration Interfaces

Well-implemented service integrations can improve the efficiency and competitiveness of companies. Integration provides the foundation for new high-quality and efficient operating models and enables the creation of entirely new kinds of services. The more various systems that can be combined, the greater the benefits of integrations will be. Usually the use of many different information systems creates additional work that can be reduced and optimized by system integration and development of operating models.

System integrations modify and streamline operating models. Well-modeled operating models create security, accelerate and enhance the use of the service and improve operational quality. A well-integrated service streamlines operations. The aim is to improve and enhance the utilization of data on the service and to store it in different contexts. In practice, integrations are aimed at automating routine functions, this offering new features, new types of services, reducing the overall amount of work and improving customer experience.

Previously, system integrations have been challenging and their implementation labor-intensive and hence rather expensive. The widespread introduction of different integration interfaces and standards has led to cost-effective implementation that can be done with very small marginal resources. In practice, information technology and traditional activities live in continuous interaction. The role of automation continues to grow, even in areas where it is believed to become obsolete.

Almost without exception, the assessment estimates are utilized in a broader context of use (recruitment, career planning, coaching). In a well-produced service, operating models and processes are adapted to a functional entity.

Mindfindr service is an independent service package that can be seamlessly connected to different operating processes and information systems.

Mindfindr supports REST / JSON interface integrations. REST is a commonly used, easy-to-use, flexible web-based technology that is utilized by many major players such as Facebook, Twitter and Google. All Mindfindr client accounts have interface support. In practice, the certified administrator (administrator role) has access to the authentication keys that allow the interface to be accessed.

Possible integrations

Example of Mindfindr Integration

In the example, a service providing a user interface for the testees, allowing them to leave their contact information and complete the offered suitability assessment test.

The test administrator can direct all testees to the desired web address, for example through adding the info in a job advertisement or giving with other training instructions when Mindfindr is used to support training or coaching purposes. Organization of the test causes very little extra work, and requires hardly any resources.

The participant can be readily directed to the evaluation by giving instructions such as e.g. “Suitability assessment test is completed on the web at mindfindr.mosi.fi”.


Is your company or organization interested in integrating your services or operating models into Mindfind? Mindfindr can provide an interface to those wishing to consider integrating their services into Mindfindr by offering them a test account that is differentiated from operational test production.

If you have any questions, or wish to have further information, please feel free to contact our development team with email support@mindfindr.com.